3 min read


Photo by Steve Johnson / Unsplash

AI technology is advancing at an unprecedented pace. What started as a fun and intriguing concept is quickly evolving into something that can both amaze and terrify us. Remember the Netflix series “The Three-Body Problem”? In it, the aliens remark on how humanity’s progress accelerates with each revolution—the agricultural revolution, the industrial revolution, and now the AI revolution. Each step forward happens in increasingly shorter timespans. And AI is no exception; every year brings rapid and transformative advancements.

In just the past two weeks, we’ve witnessed significant developments: OpenAI‘s new ChatGPT-4o, Google’s Gemini upgrade, and Microsoft’s Copilot Plus for PC. These innovations are designed to be helpful but they also carry a hint of fear. Will AI take your job? Probably but not in the way you might fear.

I remember watching the movie “Terminator” for the first time, and its sequel, “Terminator 2,” remains one of my favorites. These movies made me ponder how AI decides what is good and bad, and how it can act autonomously. The rise of AI involves complex technologies like deep learning and machine learning, which enable machines to learn from data, identify patterns, and make decisions. AI’s growth is driven by several key technologies, including machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing (NLP).

These technologies allow AI to process information faster, more accurately, and with greater complexity than ever before. Moreover, the rapid advancements in machine learning and deep learning have enabled AI to analyze vast amounts of data and make intelligent decisions, while NLP allows AI to understand and respond to human language. This rapid development means AI can evolve at an unprecedented pace, bringing both opportunities and challenges as it becomes increasingly integral to our lives and industries.

What Should We Do?

Should we rise and boycott, or ignore AI? My friend, we must embrace it. Like it or not, AI will surpass human intelligence. Ironically, it will learn everything from us. Instead of fighting it, we need to evolve too.

In one of my recent email newsletters, I wrote: “Imagine having a time machine and managing to travel past. Even if you knew more than everyone else, survival would be tough without use the knowledge.” 

In the movie “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” when the supercomputer Deep Thought reveals the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything: 42. While this answer is amusingly cryptic and seemingly meaningless without context, it highlights a crucial point—knowledge without understanding or application is useless. It’s not enough to know the answer; we must know how to use that knowledge effectively. This is especially true with AI. Imagine having all the knowledge in the world at your fingertips but lacking the ability to harness it. Similarly, our interaction with AI will depend on how quickly we see it as a tool rather than a competitor.

“Those who adapt will safeguard their careers and find new opportunities. Knowledge without the ability to control and apply it effectively is meaningless.”

Here are some steps to help you adapt:

  • Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest AI developments and trends. Read articles, attend webinars, and join AI forums to stay ahead.( You are welcome to follow me, even though I am not an expert on ai; I am following my own path to learn and share)
  • Learn the Basics: Understand fundamental AI concepts like machine learning, neural networks, and deep learning. Online courses and tutorials can be beneficial. You can follow some free channels on YouTube. Learn from Udemy or LinkedIn learning platform.
  • Develop New Skills: Focus on skills that complement AI, such as critical thinkingcreativity, and emotional intelligence. These human-centric skills are essential and irreplaceable.
  • Use AI Tools: Familiarize yourself with AI tools that can enhance your productivity and decision-making. Experiment with AI applications to understand their potential.
  • Continuous Learning: Embrace lifelong learning to keep up with the evolving landscape. Stay curious.
  • Collaborate with AI: Learn how to work alongside AI, leveraging its capabilities to augment your own skills. Understand its strengths and limitations to use it effectively.

AI and future

As AI continues to learn and grow, you need to start learning too. Embrace the change, understand the technology, and find ways to integrate it into your life and work. By doing so, you won’t just keep up with the future; you’ll help shape it.
So, let’s get started. The future is now, and AI is a big part of it.