3 min read

8 Steps to Create a New Habit: A Practical Guide

Our life goals and careers change, making new habits essential. Whether it’s for health, career, or personal development, creating and maintaining habits requires careful planning.Ready to transform your life? Read more now!
8 Steps to Create a New Habit: A Practical Guide
Photo by Prophsee Journals / Unsplash

We all need new habits.

Our life goals can change, our careers can shift, and even our vision can evolve over time. When we need motivation or a guide to move forward with a purpose— health, career advancement, personal development, or any other goal—we often try to begin new habits. However, starting a habit and succeeding in maintaining it are very different things, requiring careful planning and organizing.

Creating new habits can be challenging, but it’s an essential part of personal growth and productivity. Whether you’re looking to adopt healthier habits, improve your work routine, or develop a new skill, following a structured approach can make the process smoother and more effective. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you create and maintain new habits successfully.

1. Identify Your Why and Understand Your Motivation

You need to be very clear and honest about why you want to develop this new habit. In the long term, the main motivation comes from your underlying reasons, not just the result itself. If you want to lose weight, don’t focus on the numbers but on the idea behind it. Is it due to health issues or the desire for acceptance by others. Be honest and understand the real why. Don’t lie to yourself and focus on the motivation

2. Start Small and Break It Down

Don’t push yourself hard for a quick result. You can’t learn a new skill in a week, nor can you instantly change your lifestyle habits. Instead of aiming for a massive change, start with small, manageable steps. If your goal is to exercise regularly, begin with a 10-minute workout session rather than an hour-long routine. Gradually increase the intensity and duration as the habit becomes more ingrained. Breaking the new habit into smaller bites will help you keep going.

3. Set Clear, Achievable Goals

Define your habit clearly. Instead of saying, “I want to read more,” set a specific goal like, “I will read for 20 minutes every evening before bed.” Specific goals are easier to track and measure.

Ensure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework helps in setting realistic and effective goals.

4. Create a Plan and Outline the Steps

Always write your plan. Detail every step needed to continue the habit, including daily planning, avoiding obstacles, and anticipating challenges. Make a SWOT analysis. Business terms like SMART planning and SWOT analysis are not just meant for business; use them to create a better life.

Allocate a specific time for your new habit. Adding it to your daily routine ensures it becomes a regular part of your day.

5. Find a Trigger (Better Create One)

Identify a trigger that will remind you to perform your new habit. This could be an existing part of your routine, such as brushing your teeth, which can remind you to floss, or making coffee, which can remind you to read a book.

It’s best to be consistent with the habit by adding it to your routines. If you don’t have a routine yet, also create one for yourself. Read my past article about creating a morning routine here

6. Be Consistent (Stick to Your Schedule)

Consistency is key to habit formation. Try to perform your new habit at the same time and in the same context every day.

Use apps like Habitica, HabitBull, and Habitify to track your progress. Seeing your development over time can be highly motivating.

7. Reward Yourself and Celebrate Small Wins:

Reward yourself for sticking to your new habit. This could be something small like a treat, a break, or even just acknowledging your progress. Rewards reinforce positive behavior and make habit formation more enjoyable.

8. Stay Accountable

Share your goals with someone who can provide support and hold you accountable. Regular check-ins with a mentor, friend, or coach can keep you on track.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to people about your goals. I always share my ideas and ask for feedback from my family, colleagues, friends, and sometimes even customers and connections on LinkedIn. The feedback helps a lot; it’s like a reboot of motivation. You’ll often get encouragement about your goals, which fires up your motivation.

Engage with a group of people who are also working on similar habits. Communities can offer support, encouragement, and useful tips.


Creating a new habit is a journey that requires motivation, planning, and consistency. By understanding your reasons, starting small, setting clear goals, and staying accountable, you can successfully integrate new habits into your daily routine. Remember to be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way. With time and persistence, these new habits can lead to significant positive changes in your life.

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